Use Your Voice To Quickly Make Animated Videos

With Aquifer, all you need is your voice to create animated videos that can be exported in multiple aspect ratios.

 min. read
July 19, 2024

Content creators often spend hours working on video only to be asked, “Can you send this in a vertical format for Tik Tok as well?”

Questions like this will be asked to content creators repeatedly over the years as multiple social media platforms emerge and evolve. What was once a simple Instagram post must now also be formatted for Stories, Reels, Tik Tok, Youtube Shorts, Twitter, and so on and so forth. 

Brand and media planners are often too busy to keep up with the demand of video generation. How does one keep up with the latest media trends, all while being able to format for what seems like an endless amount of media platforms. Organizations need to be able to create video at scale. They also need to be able to repurpose video content for various platforms quickly and efficiently. With Aquifer, content creators only need their voice, or pre-recorded audio, to create animation at scale. After a quick upload, creators can also easily export an animated video in multiple formats to meet the demand of content publishing. 

Here’s how the platform works…

1. Select your character and setting

Aquifer allows creators to use their own IP to create nearly instant animation. For instance, what was once just a brand mascot and logo, can now become the voice of your brand on social media. Our customers have used their IP characters to host award shows, record Tik Tok videos, create L&D content and sell Cameo videos

In addition, you’re able to select the environment you’d like your character to be in. Our environments range from corporate settings to fairytale-like forests. You can even stick your character into the real world with our AR capabilities. 

2. Record or upload audio

Creating an animation doesn’t have to take weeks or deplete an entire company’s budget anymore. With Aquifer, all you need is a voice. Record or upload the audio, or have a voice actor do it, you’d like your character to use in your video. Aquifer will automatically match your characters facial expressions with your audio. 

3. Choose a mood for your character

Depending on the purpose of your video, you’ll need your animation to be able to communicate in various moods. After all, a jolly cartoon may not be appropriate if your topic of conversation is serious. Select from our range of moods to set the vibe for your viewer. 

4. Generate scene using Scene Wizard

I know…that was fast right? It’s hard to think that you can create a high quality animation with just a few clicks and a voice recording. Aquifer will analyze your audio and selections to automatically generate your video. 

5. Customize body movement or camera angles

Now it’s time to make your video a bit more dynamic. Add a bit of movement to your character to emphasize your message. Want your character to do a Tik Tok dance? Chest pump? Take a selfie? 

Changing camera angles also plays a role in grabbing an audience’s attention. Wide shots, close ups and even selfie shots are all options you can select from. 

6. Export in unique formats for various social media platforms or media channels

Now all you have to do is export your video in the aspect ratio of your choosing. Select between vertical, square or horizontal before rendering and exporting your video. This feature is perfect if you want your video to be published on multiple platforms. 

Brands can create animated video at scale 

We believe that content creators should be able to harness the power of instant animation to keep up with video demand. We’ve worked with the world’s largest entertainment brands to help them grow revenue and fan engagement with their animated IP. 

Aquifer is the first all-in-one platform that gives its brand partners the ability to generate cinematic CG animated videos for all of their online channels. Whether it be the next social media platform, or a personalized video message, content creators are enabled with the ability to create videos within minutes using Aquifer. 

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black and white image of man smiling with brown hair
Black and white photo of blonde woman smiling

Use Your Voice To Quickly Make Animated Videos

September 20, 2022

Content creators often spend hours working on video only to be asked, “Can you send this in a vertical format for Tik Tok as well?”

Questions like this will be asked to content creators repeatedly over the years as multiple social media platforms emerge and evolve. What was once a simple Instagram post must now also be formatted for Stories, Reels, Tik Tok, Youtube Shorts, Twitter, and so on and so forth. 

Brand and media planners are often too busy to keep up with the demand of video generation. How does one keep up with the latest media trends, all while being able to format for what seems like an endless amount of media platforms. Organizations need to be able to create video at scale. They also need to be able to repurpose video content for various platforms quickly and efficiently. With Aquifer, content creators only need their voice, or pre-recorded audio, to create animation at scale. After a quick upload, creators can also easily export an animated video in multiple formats to meet the demand of content publishing. 

Here’s how the platform works…

1. Select your character and setting

Aquifer allows creators to use their own IP to create nearly instant animation. For instance, what was once just a brand mascot and logo, can now become the voice of your brand on social media. Our customers have used their IP characters to host award shows, record Tik Tok videos, create L&D content and sell Cameo videos

In addition, you’re able to select the environment you’d like your character to be in. Our environments range from corporate settings to fairytale-like forests. You can even stick your character into the real world with our AR capabilities. 

2. Record or upload audio

Creating an animation doesn’t have to take weeks or deplete an entire company’s budget anymore. With Aquifer, all you need is a voice. Record or upload the audio, or have a voice actor do it, you’d like your character to use in your video. Aquifer will automatically match your characters facial expressions with your audio. 

3. Choose a mood for your character

Depending on the purpose of your video, you’ll need your animation to be able to communicate in various moods. After all, a jolly cartoon may not be appropriate if your topic of conversation is serious. Select from our range of moods to set the vibe for your viewer. 

4. Generate scene using Scene Wizard

I know…that was fast right? It’s hard to think that you can create a high quality animation with just a few clicks and a voice recording. Aquifer will analyze your audio and selections to automatically generate your video. 

5. Customize body movement or camera angles

Now it’s time to make your video a bit more dynamic. Add a bit of movement to your character to emphasize your message. Want your character to do a Tik Tok dance? Chest pump? Take a selfie? 

Changing camera angles also plays a role in grabbing an audience’s attention. Wide shots, close ups and even selfie shots are all options you can select from. 

6. Export in unique formats for various social media platforms or media channels

Now all you have to do is export your video in the aspect ratio of your choosing. Select between vertical, square or horizontal before rendering and exporting your video. This feature is perfect if you want your video to be published on multiple platforms. 

Brands can create animated video at scale 

We believe that content creators should be able to harness the power of instant animation to keep up with video demand. We’ve worked with the world’s largest entertainment brands to help them grow revenue and fan engagement with their animated IP. 

Aquifer is the first all-in-one platform that gives its brand partners the ability to generate cinematic CG animated videos for all of their online channels. Whether it be the next social media platform, or a personalized video message, content creators are enabled with the ability to create videos within minutes using Aquifer. 

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